Friday, July 22, 2011

I got Kaught.

Thanks to Mark (aka the Commisioner of Gint-A-Cuffs) from Mark's Ephemera, I found out about a new baseball-inspired clothing company called Kaught Looking.  John Southee, the mind behind Kaught Looking, is trying to get Kaught Looking into every state in the US.  Well, feeling like a proud Virginian, decided to contact him to be the first representative in Virginia.  A couple days later, I received a great package that had a Kaught Looking hat and a bunch of Kaught Looking decals, free of charge. 

 John still has a few states left to fill, so be sure to check Kaught Looking out.  I will be featuring the hat in my Gint-A-Cuffs videos, which should get a decent number of views.  Aside from that, I plan to get some pictures of myself wearing the hat at various places in the future. 

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