Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Another trade with the Argyled Plaschke man.

It's really hard to believe that Greg and I have traded six times.  It's even harder to believe that I sent him a hockey card.  Since when do I have hockey cards? 

Anyway, he sent me some great stuff, including some A&G needs:

Of course, no deal is complete without a little BJ:

The real meat of the package...hehe...was a pair of new Hokies:

I'd been looking to pick up an Evans auto for a while, so it was fantastic to get one in a trade...on-card no less. He looks like a red Hulk.

The icing on the cake was this awesome Ryan Zimmerman jersey:

I love that the swatch has a little action to it.  It's not quite a seam, or threading, or anything in particular, but it's not plain. 

Thanks, again, Greg!

1 comment:

Greg Zakwin said...

glad everything was to your liking! thanks again!