Thursday, October 11, 2012

What a college kid's autograph should look like...

There seem to be a ton of guys who shortcut their signatures, so it's always nice to find someone that doesn't.

That's why I picked up this Josh Morgan card.  He has a simple cursive signature, and when he has the space, he signs Joshua Morgan.  That is how a college kid should sign.  This isn't a too-big-for-my-britches I-don't-have-time-for-this signature.  This is a signature that mom would be proud of.  When Josh isn't afforded the space he has on this card, he signs Josh Morgan, or J. Morgan in the case of his Mayo Mini Auto.  I picked this card up shortly after his bonehead penalty in the 'Skins-Rams game. 

I love the Press Pass autos from the time they had a license.  PP insists on hard-signed cards, and usually showed nice player action shots with team jerseys and school logos.  Picking this card up for 2 bucks was a great deal any day of the week. 

1 comment:

Dennis said...

This is why I don't like people ragging on Press Pass. That's an absolutely beautiful on-card autograph on a pretty solid design, and for a great price. Don't see how you could do any better than that. Nice pickup, and kudos to Josh on his excellent auto!