Friday, October 29, 2010

Trade with GSNHOF

You may have seen GSNHOF's trade post the other detailing his end of our recent trade.  I sent him a Mother's Cookies Rusty Kuntz that I pulled from a Dollar Tree Repack, a Carlos Delgado jersey card that I have pulled twice from Wal-mart discount blasters (and now traded twice), and some 1995 Topps cards that I hadn't touched since, well, 1995.  I will never ceased to be amazed what ridiculous cards you can find takers for.  When I saw the Mother's Kuntz (that just sounds dirty), I couldn't help but think what an incredibly random card that will be in a box in my closet until I die.  Despite that, GSNHOF just happened to be out there with a Rusty Kuntz Want List.  Amazing.  If you get a chance, I recommend browsing his site.  He's got some great collecting interests, and just recently counted all of his autos/relics

GSNHOF hooked me up with a stack of Michael Vick and Lee Suggs cards to add to my VT Hokies PC.  I actually didn't have any Suggs cards before he sent these, so I was extremely happy to take them off his hands. 
Some of the highlights:

It seems like people are much more willing to part with their old Vick cards these days...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww man, I forgot all about Vick. I've got three jersey cards of him and several inserts that piled up during the time I was collecting almost entirely football back in my pre-internet days. All yours if you want 'em.