Sunday, July 12, 2015

Twenty Packs Plus a Hit - Part 11 of 11

There it is.  Right there in the middle.  The meat in a Donruss bread sandwich.

Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be a cool card of the most legendary player in MLB history...

That'll do.  Sure, it's not an auto or relic, but I'll take a  Babe Ruth Commemorative Ring out of that kind of box.

It's just an added bonus that it's a Sox card instead of a Yankees card.

Considering I landed this card in addition to a Stargell Archives relic, I'd say this repack box was a major success.

Ok, now I'm really, really ready for Allen & Ginter.  Speaking of A&G, if you have a blog and plan to open a box, enter Gint-a-Cuffs.  It's free.